
Which GitHub Action is best for Slack notifications today?

Our study of the most popular GitHub Actions for sending basic Slack notifications.

If you rely on GitHub Actions to automate your tests, builds, or anything else, your final step might send a notification to Slack to report on the status of the workflow.

There are many GitHub Actions available in the marketplace that you can drop into your YAML files to fire off a Slack notification. But some still use older versions of Slack APIs that may be dropped. Others allow full flexibility to format messages according to Slack’s APIs - but if all you want is to report on your workflow status you might prefer that the action assembles a suitable message from the workflow data by itself.


Video walkthrough of Endid in action

It’s easy enough to try out Endid if you are in a position to install our Slack app and to connect to your organisation’s GitHub repos, but you can now see our simple product demo on YouTube!